
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

206's Great Pumpkin Patch

Every fourth grader at FW chose a character from a picture book to design a pumpkin after.  Each student completed a character study of their character and presented to their classmates.  As always the pumpkins were extremely creative and enjoyed by the whole school.

Bridges Lesson 3 "Sharing Artifacts, Ethnicities, and Traditions"

It's a perfect day to launch a rocket!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bridges Lesson 2 "Getting to Know You"

Students got to meet their seniors.  After having a discussion came up with a group name based on similar interests of everyone in the group.  Each group created a bridge and designed it based on their name.  

Group #1 The Reading Group

Group #2 The Pet People

Group #3 The Sporty Group

Group #4 The Book Worms

Bridges "Growing Older, Growing Together"

For the next 7 weeks your child will be participating in the Bridges program.  Bridges is an inter generational program that fosters friendships and understanding between students and older adults in our community.  Over the next 7 weeks, 7 older adults will join our classroom to participate in discussions and small group projects that focus on our common experience.

Through this program your child will strengthen many academic skills including: listening, summarizing, speaking, interviewing, writing paragraphs, recording main points from group discussions, creating charts, and working with maps.

Please enjoy some pictures of Lesson 1 Learning About Seniors (this activity was done without the seniors)

Students were asked to think of a memory they had of a senior.  Then they had to work in pairs, one person was a piece of clay while the other was a potter.  The potter had to sculpt the clay into the older person in his or her memory.  The rest of the class tried to guess the students memory.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

More Exciting Science!

To start our unit on Animal Behavior Ms. P. from the science center came to do a presentation for the whole 4th grade.  She brought with her two animals Dracula, a Great Horned Owl and Thimblina, a Boa Constrictor.  Students were able to ask questions and pet Dracula!