
Monday, March 14, 2016

Harlem Superstars come to FW...Tickets still for sale for Friday's show at the HS

Leap Day CARES Assembly

The Lowell Mills comes to fourth grade to introduce Immigration

Superintendent Dr. Eric Conti visits Rm 219 & 218

Patriots Player, Nate Solder visits FW for Read Across America Day

219 Welcomes Seven New Furry Members to our Classroom!

Ms. P comes to FW to do her annual Chick Show

"What comes first the chicken or the egg?"

Bridges Week 6 "How Old is Old?"

We loved getting to know all of our senior volunteers!  Thank you to all of them, as well as our grandparents who let us interview them every week.  We can't wait for our celebrations reunion in the spring.

Thanksgiving CARES Assembly

Students and teachers have fun participating in the "Pin the tail on the Turkey" race.

Turkeys in Disguise

Students enjoyed writing a persuasive letter to their families trying to persuade them NOT to have turkey for Thanksgiving. They then disguised a turkey to display outside the classroom.